
How To Get Out Of Seafoam Islands

The way through the Seafoam Island caves is full of twists and turns, and you'll have to puzzle your way through. The complex labyrinth of caves is one of the most intricate that you'll go through but also hides one of the most powerful allies available, the Legendary Bird Articuno.

Seafoam Islands can't be cleared without a Pokémon that knows Strength. The islands feature a boulders puzzle. Once solved, it permanently remains that way. Setting the boulders in the right place will halt the strong currents, allowing surfing the water.

After you enter the cave, go east and push the boulder into the hole to the north. Now go to the steps north of the entrance and go up. Grab the Ice Heal. Within this cave you'll get your first chance to find a Seel, and more rarely, its evolution Dewgong.

The legendary Pokémon Articuno resides in the depths of these caves. The two boulders on the first floor block the current on the third basement level, which makes it easier to get around, but is not necessary for catching Articuno. It's the two in the third basement that are important: knock the other boulders out of the way so you can get to the ones in line with the holes (if you mess up, leave this floor and they'll reset), then jump in after them, swim to the island in the northwest, and you'll find Articuno.

Save the game before facing Articuno. Capture it, as it's the only one and the only chance. Come adequately prepared, since legendary Pokémon are the most difficult Pokémon to obtain in terms of catch rate.

Floor 1 [edit]

Pokémon Found [edit]

FireRed Level Encounter Rate LeafGreen Level Encounter Rate
Pokemon 041Zubat.pngZubat 22-26 34% Pokemon 041Zubat.pngZubat 22-26 34%
Pokemon 042Golbat.pngGolbat 26-30 11% Pokemon 042Golbat.pngGolbat 26-30 11%
Pokemon 054Psyduck.pngPsyduck 26-33 50% Pokemon 079Slowpoke.pngSlowpoke 26-33 50%

Floor B1 [edit]

Pokémon Found [edit]

FireRed Level Encounter Rate LeafGreen Level Encounter Rate
Pokemon 086Seel.pngSeel 28 10% Pokemon 086Seel.pngSeel 28 10%
Pokemon 041Zubat.pngZubat 22-26 34% Pokemon 041Zubat.pngZubat 22-26 34%
Pokemon 042Golbat.pngGolbat 26-30 11% Pokemon 042Golbat.pngGolbat 26-30 11%
Pokemon 054Psyduck.pngPsyduck 29-31 40% Pokemon 079Slowpoke.pngSlowpoke 29-31 40%
Pokemon 055Golduck.pngGolduck 33-35 5% Pokemon 080Slowbro.pngSlowbro 33-35 5%

Floor B2 [edit]

Pokémon Found [edit]

FireRed Level Encounter Rate LeafGreen Level Encounter Rate
Pokemon 086Seel.pngSeel 30-32 20% Pokemon 086Seel.pngSeel 30-32 20%
Pokemon 041Zubat.pngZubat 22-24 20% Pokemon 041Zubat.pngZubat 22-24 20%
Pokemon 042Golbat.pngGolbat 26-30 10% Pokemon 042Golbat.pngGolbat 26-30 10%
Pokemon 054Psyduck.pngPsyduck 30-32 40% Pokemon 079Slowpoke.pngSlowpoke 30-32 40%
Pokemon 055Golduck.pngGolduck 32-34 10% Pokemon 080Slowbro.pngSlowbro 32-34 10%

Floor B3 [edit]

Pokémon Found [edit]

FireRed Level Encounter Rate LeafGreen Level Encounter Rate
Pokemon 086Seel.pngSeel 30-32 40% Pokemon 086Seel.pngSeel 30-32 40%
Pokemon 041Zubat.pngZubat 24 10% Pokemon 041Zubat.pngZubat 24 10%
Pokemon 042Golbat.pngGolbat 26-30 10% Pokemon 042Golbat.pngGolbat 26-30 10%
Pokemon 054Psyduck.pngPsyduck 30-32 20% Pokemon 079Slowpoke.pngSlowpoke 30-32 20%
Pokemon 055Golduck.pngGolduck 30-32 15% Pokemon 080Slowbro.pngSlowbro 30-32 15%
Pokemon 087Dewgong.pngDewgong 32-34 5% Pokemon 087Dewgong.pngDewgong 32-34 5%
Pokemon 086Seel.pngSeel 25-35 60% Pokemon 086Seel.pngSeel 25-35 60%
Pokemon 116Horsea.pngHorsea 25-30 30% Pokemon 098Krabby.pngKrabby 25-30 30%
Pokemon 054Psyduck.pngPsyduck 30-40 4% Pokemon 079Slowpoke.pngSlowpoke 30-40 4%
Pokemon 055Golduck.pngGolduck 35-40 1% Pokemon 080Slowbro.pngSlowbro 35-40 1%
Pokemon 087Dewgong.pngDewgong 35-40 5% Pokemon 087Dewgong.pngDewgong 35-40 5%
Old Rod
Pokemon 129Magikarp.pngMagikarp 5 100% Pokemon 129Magikarp.pngMagikarp 5 100%
Good Rod
Pokemon 116Horsea.pngHorsea 5-15 60% Pokemon 116Horsea.pngHorsea 5-15 20%
Pokemon 098Krabby.pngKrabby 5-15 20% Pokemon 098Krabby.pngKrabby 5-15 60%
Pokemon 129Magikarp.pngMagikarp 5-15 20% Pokemon 129Magikarp.pngMagikarp 5-15 20%
Super Rod
Pokemon 116Horsea.pngHorsea 15-30 80% Pokemon 098Krabby.pngKrabby 15-30 80%
Pokemon 130Gyarados.pngGyarados 15-35 16% Pokemon 130Gyarados.pngGyarados 15-35 16%
Pokemon 054Psyduck.pngPsyduck 15-25 4% Pokemon 079Slowpoke.pngSlowpoke 15-25 4%

Floor B4 [edit]

Pokémon Found [edit]

FireRed Level Encounter Rate LeafGreen Level Encounter Rate
Pokemon 086Seel.pngSeel 30-34 50% Pokemon 086Seel.pngSeel 30-34 50%
Pokemon 042Golbat.pngGolbat 26-30 15% Pokemon 042Golbat.pngGolbat 26-30 15%
Pokemon 054Psyduck.pngPsyduck 32 10% Pokemon 079Slowpoke.pngSlowpoke 32 10%
Pokemon 055Golduck.pngGolduck 32-34 15% Pokemon 080Slowbro.pngSlowbro 32-34 15%
Pokemon 087Dewgong.pngDewgong 34-36 10% Pokemon 087Dewgong.pngDewgong 34-36 10%
Pokemon 086Seel.pngSeel 25-35 60% Pokemon 086Seel.pngSeel 25-35 60%
Pokemon 116Horsea.pngHorsea 25-30 30% Pokemon 098Krabby.pngKrabby 25-30 30%
Pokemon 054Psyduck.pngPsyduck 30-40 4% Pokemon 079Slowpoke.pngSlowpoke 30-40 4%
Pokemon 055Golduck.pngGolduck 35-40 1% Pokemon 080Slowbro.pngSlowbro 35-40 1%
Pokemon 087Dewgong.pngDewgong 35-40 5% Pokemon 087Dewgong.pngDewgong 35-40 5%
Old Rod
Pokemon 129Magikarp.pngMagikarp 5 100% Pokemon 129Magikarp.pngMagikarp 5 100%
Good Rod
Pokemon 116Horsea.pngHorsea 5-15 60% Pokemon 116Horsea.pngHorsea 5-15 20%
Pokemon 098Krabby.pngKrabby 5-15 20% Pokemon 098Krabby.pngKrabby 5-15 60%
Pokemon 129Magikarp.pngMagikarp 5-15 20% Pokemon 129Magikarp.pngMagikarp 5-15 20%
Super Rod
Pokemon 116Horsea.pngHorsea 15-30 80% Pokemon 098Krabby.pngKrabby 15-30 80%
Pokemon 130Gyarados.pngGyarados 15-35 16% Pokemon 130Gyarados.pngGyarados 15-35 16%
Pokemon 054Psyduck.pngPsyduck 15-25 4% Pokemon 079Slowpoke.pngSlowpoke 15-25 4%
Special Pokémon
Pokemon 144Articuno.pngArticuno 50 Only One Pokemon 144Articuno.pngArticuno 50 Only One

New Pokémon [edit]

#086 Seel

Pokemon 086Seel.png

Seel is a decent Water-type Pokémon, with average stats all around. Seel has no Water-type moves in its learnset, possessing mainly only Ice and Normal moves. Thus, Seel will not benefit from STAB advantages until it evolves into Dewgong, an Ice/Water Pokémon, at level 34.

Seel is not a bad choice to fill a spot in your team, Water and Ice being two almost essential types for your future fight against the Elite Four. It's just that there are simply more powerful and versatile Pokemon you can choose instead, such as Lapras or Cloyster. Seel is simply just not powerful enough and so it is best left in your PC.

#144 Articuno

Pokemon 144Articuno.png

The Ice bird, Articuno, is the most popular of the three Legendary Birds. At a superior level 50, Articuno sports the powerful Ice Beam, and its Mist move will make it difficult for you to catch it by using status effects such as sleep or paralyze. Despite this, Articuno will require some TM's before it can be of any use.

Articuno sports the best stats of the Legendary birds, and will be a welcome addition if you don't have an Ice and/or Flying Pokémon in your team. However, remember that its dual type makes Articuno extremely weak against any Rock attacks.

Items [edit]

  • Ice Heal (1F, near the northwest ladder)
  • Revive (B1F, on the center platform)
  • Water Stone (B1F, on the south-central area, accessed from B2F)
  • Big Pearl (B2F, south of the central platform)
  • Nugget (B3F, hidden on a rock, on the western platform)
  • Water Stone (B4F, hidden on a rock, near the western ladder)
  • Ultra Ball (B4F, east of the southern sign)

How To Get Out Of Seafoam Islands


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